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Old 10-25-2004, 01:39 AM   #5 (permalink)
Location: Frigid North
It is interesting to note that Stop loss has existed since the first Gulf War. The problem that we are running into to day is that the size of the military is so much smaller that we can not sustain operations like Iraq and Afghanistan for this long with a bunch of volunteers; i.e. the reason why there are so many guard/reserves currently serving in the middle east. Stop loss and (to a lesser extent) the guard and reserves serve as this nations military shock absorber. When the military needs to flux for an impending conflict or situation they call up the guard and reserves. Most often at the same time they are issuing call-ups they also implement stop loss.

All 4 services following 9-11 implemented stop loss because of the uncertain situation ahead. I have no problem with stop loss in this situation. An informed member of the military knows that stop loss is an option, and with an impending war the military can't have everyone jumping ship. I do however have a problem with the Army continuing to issue stop loss orders almost 2 years after the war in Iraq began. Is it a "back door draft" as Kerry calls it? You're damn right. The problem with W Bush, the DOD and Congress is that they have no foresight into the future. They are not concerned with what we are going to do to get us out of this mess. I don't advocate just up and pulling out; we are in way to deep for that now, but we NEED A PLAN of how to get the ~150,000 troops that are currently in the middle east out of there. Our Guardsmen and Reservists can't and won't serve in a environment where thy are are in constant fear of an activation. Recruiting efforts are way down. The active duty troops will not stay in under the threat that they will be deployed for 12 months every other year. Stop loss is a backdoor draft, but if the US Govt does not develop a plan to get us out of this soon we will be faced with more than just a back door draft....

Sorry I digressed, didn't mean to derail the thread
My heart will be restless until it finds its final rest. Then they can weigh it...
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