Oh comeon, this Linux stuff is way to complicated for the common user.
You have to manually unpack, change the directory, and COMPILE this virus, before installing it. Is it too much to ask to have a binary version of this virus for some of the more common systems? What if I want to infect my system, and I don't have make or gcc installed, I'm right back in dependancy hell.
When are these Linux developers going to realize that in order to take the desktop market over, they are going to need to simplify installation of virii a lot. You would never see a windows user, downloading a .zip file, extracting it, loading up the project in Visual Studio, compiling it and running it, would you? No, on windows, most of the time, you don't even need to click anything to install a virus.
Perhaps the reason this is so complicated is that "Zero-Click" installations are patented by Microsoft?
/ replaces the batteries in his sarcasm meeter.