As far as having a job goes, I'm not sure a lot of teenagers (the much maligned 17-20 group) or many other people understand the dynamics involved. This is why entry level jobs exist. More so than paying a wage, these type of jobs pay in experience. The experience of being on time, doing a job, responsibility, and accountability when one of these is remiss. This is the foundation of the mysterious "work ethic" spoke about by the ancients. In my humble estimation, this is one of the most important lessons you can learn. As a manager, I never expected superhuman performances out of the people (teen or otherwise) who made near minimum wage. I did however expect them to complete the tasks expected of them. I thought that to be a fair deal. Some of them did not. A lot of people have an entitlement mentality at work, as if the paycheck is the reward for their mere presence. Actual work entails some sort of surcharge. I got sucked into my own little rant here it seems. I will give some advice though. Part of the process of getting a better job entails not being shitty at the more menial ones. Poor working habits will bog you down forever.
I used to think I was unstable until I met every girl I've ever dated.