Originally Posted by boatin
That's why I find the CIA, Ashcroft, soldiers in military prisons, and Gitmo to be scary. Is it ok to use that word? Or does that take us off track?
I'm still missing the Jury and the Judge in much of this.
The central fact of this dispute is that our citizens get protection of law, and other's citizens don't. Never mind, my bad. I should've realized that the Declaration of Independance has no force in law.
Soldiers in military prisons are under a different set of laws, the Uniform Code of Military Justice. And there are different laws applicable to people overseas who were engaged in combat operations against the US, especially when they are not part of a recognized military or act as guerillas.
Just as US "civilian" law doesn't apply to a man in Afghanistan beating his wife, US "civilian" law doesn't apply in a lot of situations overseas.