Thanks for the very intersting post Daswig. It's completely off-topic, but I want to discuss it anyway.
You seem to know a great deal more about Waco than I do, as my only knowledge is from news items and documentaries I've seen since the siege. I don't think anyone believes the assault was a positive outcome. But are you suggesting that the Branch Davidians were wholly without fault?
They did buy guns illegally (if what I'ave heard is true).
They did practice child and sexual abuse. I've seen "survivors" openly admit such.
They did refuse to come out peacefully.
What happened was a farce, but the people holed up in that compound were criminal, religious fundamentalist (there's a word you for you!) crazies... and several innocents who were apparently kept there against their will.
Surely you're not defending them? I say, by all means criticise the FBI et al for messing up, but don't excuse what happened in that compound.
Mr Mephisto