Originally Posted by athletics
To loose fat you need to do something continuous for 20-45 minutes to keep you heartrate above 80%.
No you dont. You just have to burn more calories than you take in. What you are referring to is when your body runs out of its stored glycogen and reverts to burning fat for energy, which usually happens after about an hour of high intensity exercise. And while it may sound great ("sweet, all I have to do is work out for an hour and then im burning pure fat!"), it doesnt really work that way. Its also known as bonking, and its not a fun thing. It isnt a smooth switch over, and burning the fat for fuel is much less efficient than the glycogen--its slower, and you have a dramatic energy crash. Thats why long distance runners and cyclists eat something during their workout--it gets the blood sugar back up and lets you keep going.
In short, there is no magic number to losing weight. Its a simple equation: if calories in < calories out (burned), you lose weight.