i assume that ustwo is talking about waco and/or ruby ridge.
see when a democrat is in office, the right is sure to individualize and make martyrs of people who in their view are victims of problematic choices made by the attorney general--regardless of whether the accusations make sense (waco? ruby ridge? what the fuck?)
but when a conservative is in office and the human rights being violated are those of brown people far away, they do not care about it in principle, are not interested in putting names or faces to the victims, etc. geneva convention and other such elements of international law are not important to conservatives when a conservative is in power. no dissonant information is important to them so long as a conservative is in power.
when that changes, they become scrupulous observers of questions of legality.
so there are no question of principle involved.
that is why fatuous comparisons between violations of the geneva convention undertaken by the bush administration to things like waco or ruby ridge are even possible.
they do not make sense logically, but logic is not part of this.
all that matters is who is in office.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite