Originally Posted by Arroe
On topic, Castro was a pretty dangerous man. For those of you who learned anything in high school, Castro allowed the USSR to place nuclear missiles on Cuba which I believe is only 30 miles from Florida (off the top of my head). This was at the hieght of the Cold War. These missiles had the potential to kill several hundred thousand Americans and were capable of hitting many U.S. cities. Infact, the missiles were being pointed at the U.S.
Hah, this made me laugh.
Kruschev placed the missiles there in response to the US placing nuclear missiles in Turkey. This was before really accurate ICBMs and the only way you could target cities was by having missiles relatively close.
Whilst I'm not defending the deployment of nuclear weapons, I find it laughable that you would condemn the Soviet Union (and Cuba) for doing
exactly what America had done.
Castro put the U.S. in a pretty dangerous positition. Infact, many of you who defend Castro now are probably democrats. Here's a little neat fact: during the Cuban Missile Crisis, JFK was president. JFK was a democrat too! Just thought you'd want to know that cool fact.
Mr Mephisto