only movie more overrated than this is the godfather series imho
This is a pet peeve of mine... the misuse of the term "overrated"

What's up with this trend lately? You can dislike the Godfather all you want, that's perfectly fine, but you can't say it's overrated.
A movie that stands the test of time and is considered a classic can't be overrated. It won't be your cup of tea, but it really isn't at all accurate to completely discredit it and say it's overrated.
Same with Blade Runner: it's not overrated. It's easily hailed as one of the best sci-fi movies ever created. That's like saying The Matrix was overrated.
2 examples of movies you can call "overrated" and be 100% completely accurate: The Ring and Titanic. People went nuts over them, but in terms of cinmatic quality and overall delivery, they weren't really that good and won't be discussed 20 years from now. They will not be used to inspire the creation of other classics that have yet to come.
Blade Runner is one of the foundations of good sci-fi.
Jeez, just because something doesn't blow up in the first 10 minutes doesn't mean ya gotta fall asleep and be bored with it
People do this with music, too... someone will bust out some crap like, "Led Zeppelin/The Beatles are overrated". Usually at that point I'll ask them to give me a list of bands they like... and when they do, I can easily tell them which bands of theirs wouldn't have existed if it wasn't for the supposed "overrated" music.