do you actually read the guardian?
the quality of the coverage is not a function of the politics of the editorial staff--it has more to do with having less space devoted to adverts, more in depth articles, more context provided.
compare any given page of the print version of the guardian with one of the new york times---just look at it---with half to three quarters of every interior page devoted to what is going on at saks fifth avenue, the times does not have room to provide anything approaching adequate coverage of the issues it undertakes. this on an everyday basis--longer feature stories aside. and the ny times, for better or worse, is one of the best papers produced in the states. and this is not a function of the politics of the editorial staff.
there are decent right-leaning papers--le figaro is one. for the same reason--more space for writing, less for adverts.
a rag like the washington times is as it is because they do not make a clear seperation between how the news articles are written and the politics of the editorial staff. and the adverts.
but this is beside the point: the only reason the Outrage that litters this thread is there, the only reason teh thread itself is there, is because this satirical piece turned up in the guardian, which is the rights target of choice for the moment. the way the right attacks the guardian now only works if you do not read the paper.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite