Originally Posted by CityOfAngels
That's pretty disgusting that you're defending the man who made a mockery of our integrity, economy, and the lives of the soldiers pledged to defend our country.
Sure, it's not 6 million, but these ones sure hit closer to home.
Hitler was also responsible for a lot more American lives than Bush has been as well. Not to mention the millions of Jews,Poles,Russians, and any other type of person he felt he didn't like that he gassed and bombed to death.
While I have no love lost for Bush's war to rank him with HITLER is seriously down playing how bad Hitler truly was. This really scares me that within 100 years Hitler might cease to be possibly the most evil man in history to being just a misunderstood and proud German leader. Simply because people will try to compare one guy they don't like to another one that they think is evil while at the same time not realizing that the comparison likely will never be accurate especially not saying someone was worse than Hitler was. This to me is like saying some clown in 10 years when they kill a couple of people is worse than Charles Manson or Jeffery Dahmer. Sooner or later if enough people are called worse than those guys the sheer level of depravity and evil those men stooped to will be lessened and forgotten some what and that's not good.