Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
I want to know why the heck I should expect my workplace to be FUN? The idea that my employeer should make my enviornment fun is completely ridiculous
If you think your job is boring and mundane then get another one....but dont expect the person who PAYS YOU TO DO YOUR JOB to babysit you and make your day like a day field trip at an amusement park.
I get up every morning to go to work.....I get up if I went to bed to late (my fault not my employers) I get up if im not "feeling well" (note that I dont mean really really sick), I go in if the weather is bad (and some people should understand how much I HATE driving in Atlanta traffic in the rain).
Why do I do this? Because I have chosen to have a job and ALL the responsibility that goes along with it and I understand that the person that hired me showed faith in my abilities and my work ethic and I value that faith too much to be a slacker.
Have fun working in your sweatshop with shitty conditions for minimal pay.