Thread: Workout Advice
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Old 10-23-2004, 02:34 PM   #7 (permalink)
Back exercises are a great idea. I always used to have minor back issues and saw a chiro fairly regularly. I started working my lower back at the gym and I haven't been back to the chiro since. Most back issues not tie to some trauma are caused by weak back muscles. I'm a programmer and stitting in front of a computer all day will do a number on your lower back. Luckily it doesn't take too much to get them in shape. Just don't over do it, you do NOT want to injure those muscles doing something stupid in the gym.
My gym has this thing called a Roman Chair. It looks a little odd at first but it's great for the lower back. You sort of stand in the middle of it and bend over the front part and hook you heels undr the back part. It lets you bend at the waist. There are no weights or pullys or anything. You can hold your arms at different places (crossed on chest, hand behind head, arms striaght out) to get different amounts of resistance. You can also hold onto a weight or a dumbbell to get more challenging.
I read about a technique called a "good morning" in a muscle mag (I was bored at the gym while riding an excercise bike). You basically take a light barbell and hold it across you shoulders while standing up. You bend at the waist and then straighten back up. I would definately look that up online to get the proper technique.
If you don't have access to that stuff you can do the "Superman." Lie on the floor, face down. Pick up your arms and leg while keeping your torso on the mat. Think Superman flying and you got the idea.
As far as the upperback you can do a lat-pulldown, pull ups, dumbell row, etc. The lats are pretty strong muscles so you'll need to use some weight.

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