cthulu23 - It was red-lettered on Drudge
filtherton - Based on past actions of the Guardian (more then the letter writing thing), coupled with this comment, it is hard to ignore. Disagree with Bush. Dislike Bush. Do whatever. However, he is still the President of the United States. That position, regardless of the guy who holds it, demands respect. I didn't like Clinton, but I still respected him as my President (I even served under him without complaint).
Strange - It was a bad analogy. My point being the aggregate outrage on your side if one of our papers printed something like this. Maybe this one is better: Say a reporter adds <insert British Politish or Royal> should be chased down by the media like Diana was. Imagine how "most" people would respond in your area.
Also, the CIA thing is kind of out of context. I see your point, but I don't see it as comparable. Especially since our two countries are very close allies and depend heavily on each other.
In regards to Coulter (who I don't like, but wouldn't kick out of bed if she farted), she pretty much got canned for that comment and lost the respect of many of her "fans". There was a lot of outrage based on that stupid comment. I want to see the same outrage (from both sides of the pond and political spectrum) over this jerk's comment.