sandpit, sand castle
lets race our toy cars
Around the edge of the sand
And they'll crash and they'll start
And the winner will always be
The one you hold
In the left hand
If you win
You have to be my best friend
If I win
I have to be your best friend
I keep racing ahead
and stopping so you can catch up
I want to win
But I want to lead all the way
Back then I was too young
To have the self awareness
To think about anyone else
My scheme
Just fitted into your scheme
Yeah, I see that now.
Lets skip on a few years
Lets leave behind
a Few scraped knee's
A few early summer evenings
Down the old rec
Lets leave out
The poplar trees
and the seagulls
Lets leave out the time
On the old school field
When the fog came in so deep
That you couldnt see the far fence
And the back yards of the house
on St Lawrence's
I was fascinated
I was enthralled
I loved it when they turned the lights
On in the day
It made me feel protected
From what was outside
Let's leave out the rounders games
Let's leave out the rain
And the wind
And the pink parker coat
With the fur hood
That you used to wear
And the white knee socks
Pulled all the way up
To the knee
Lets get past the memories
Lets get to where it's at
I bought a pewter mug today
With German writing on
I bought it just for how it would
look, I have other
glasses and mugs
That are adequate
And you, shook your head
And smile
I would almost imagine
You ruffled my hair
God, it means so much
I needed this so much
For the longest time
No, I changed my mind
Don't listen
I cant find the words
Instead, close your eyes
And see
The hot grass in the summer
The sidewalks echoing the heat
This space that was built
To be filled with people
Running here and there
And everywhere
Oh, and everywhere
Run, run, run, run
I see you here, on these streets
You dont run
And the world moves in slow
motion, because you are there
This girl, I talked about with all my friends
On the quite
One to one
She wasnt the one everybody chased
But I bet they wished they did
Dark hair, swinging like a
At every delicate
shrug of those shoulders
Oh, what would it feel like
if those shoulders were
To nudge into my chest
jokingly, and rest there
cheeck against my chin...
Oh God!
What would that feel like?
Eye's full of spakle
The sweater she wears
Always is too big in the sleeves
Not tight enough
Across the chest
Oh well... oh well...
And she dictates
the Pace that the whole world moves at
Cos without her, its just a place
Just a mess of reactions and actions
Just a school, just a college, just a job
Just a bunch of people, just a wall
Just a car, just a bottle, just a TV show
If I'd have been there then, the world
Would have been so different
Oh. I'd have changed it
I'd have changed it
I'd have changed
We'd have cut class
Not too much
And played pool
I'd get drunk on two beers
Just to impress you
I'd pretend I was letting you win
Even if you beat me
And you would know
I'd be there right now
On a desert island
With lush coconut trees
and fresh strawberry's
I'd make you a dwelling
And we would lie on the beach
Every night
And talk about the strange
Frightening poetry of the cars
I'd never be afraid
In your arms
You are 1988
You are 1989
You are 1990
You are 1991
You are 1992
You are here right now
You are here right now
You are the ocean
You are the North Sea
so powerful
so beautiful
so cold
so full of everything
a million fish
swam in the pattern
of the star of St David
last night while I was asleep
Lets go to church
I wont tell them
That my Dad was Jewish
They'll never find out
And I know you'll never tell them
Your hair is the colour of summer
I want to decorate it
With the sticky weed
That used to grow on the school field
I want to take you to a bbq
And run away together
to the bottom of the garden
Behind the sandpit
Where we used to race cars
I used to play soccer
Against the wall
If I saved the goal
I would be happy
I would be happy
I need you to save me
To throw your body down
In the long grass
Between the apple tree's
The ball hits the palsm of your hands
As you get soaked with dew
The ball spins wideof the post
And I will be happy
And I will be happy
For all time
I will be happy
I want to take you to Loch Ness
And drive round and round
100 times
And the monster
Will jump up and dance in front of us
And we wont notice
because we are too busy
I want to take you to the very patch of earth
My dad parked his car
SOme 27 years ago
And I want to walk hand in hand
With you
Right on past it
And not even notice
I know a few good restuarants
In that part of London
So why would we care
About the other stuff
Lets go to New York
You were planted there
a Few years ago
I want to see the flowers
That grow there right now
Youre like a venus flytrap
You are mythical
Youre like a brand new digital camara
You are a lot more than all of that
Lets go to New York
I'll get a job
working in accounts
I'll come home
With my tie loose
And my collar loose
And my jacket hanging of my shoulders
I'll take your hand
And kiss every finger tip
Five times
And we will live in an apartment
Featured in Friends
And I'll be the guy
Somehow connected to Joey
through some fleeting
I'll high five Chandler
Every time we meet in the corridor
And you'll be down with Rachael
Go shopping together
Yeah, I got this **** planned out
We'll make our own death star
And travel the galaxy
And we will find a plannet
And we'll spare them
And live there
Happily ever after
as King and Queen
I never really knew
How to say how I felt
This poem
Was just my attempt
To set it out
Let me pour you a glass
of bubble gum
Let me buy you
A netball skirt
Oh, if things could have been different
They would be so different
If only things could have been different
It would have been so much better
I wish things could have been different
I wish I could fall asleep tonight
Kissing your hair
Kissing your hair
Kissing your hair
Kissing your hair
Kissing your hair
Kissing your hair
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas