On this particular day
There is nothimg that we say
That really matters
'S how it seems, you'll
Be walking through a crisp
Fall air, the darkness is expectant
Will soon be filled
WIth kids and costumes, later - snow's
Or idea's of that kind
Jingle bells, that dream you had
That one special christmas
When you were old enough
to understand, young enough
to believe. And my birthday
But you didnt know that.
Maybe it's your birthday?
oh, I just dont know
There is not information
To weave between us
Anything at all
I'll be looking at the same sky
As I walk the streets round my way
Hands stuffed in warm pockets
Eyes down, jaw set, I dont like the space
The stars, the open ground
I like walls around me
You probably feel the opposite
Most people do
This is my love song
I wrote it down for you
At some point, we will stare
At the same empty sky
The same atrocity of space
Look at the stars
Such tiny fallible glitters
Of light, pathetic against
The vast blanket of nothing
That enfolds them
In such moments
Perhaps we will have the
Same frightening epiphany
That we are nothing
That are lives mean nothing
That we we are a fragment
So small and puny
That nothing we can ever do
Or achieve has any cosmic significance
The sky is so empty
So full of terrible potential
It will collapse on us all
With a frighteing velocity
What follows
No one living shall know
We both have our ideas I expect
The same as everyone.
Listen, I'll right you a second stanza
I'll clarify it for you
It's kind of like
The space behind your old house
When you were a kid
It went on forever
It made you feel timeless
I'll write you a love song
Though I'm not sure
I started out right
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas