Of course their is a slew of percentages one could slew out about Kerry supporters as well about what actually happened out at the boat(you can see the report written by him saying he chased the injured fleeing soldier, ect.), his record in the senate, how often he does change positions, they probably believe he can plan a war, he wouldn't have gone to Iraq(though he gave support in the senate), that he is going to keep our troops out of danger though he said himself he would support a first strike on North Korea, that just by spouting off during his capaign that he the world will flock to him as the son of God and become our un waivering allies again on the whim of our election, so on and so forth. Alot of the supporters of candidates are zealot like and are blind to the repercussions of their uninformed decisions. Its less about the issues and more about them choosing the winners, when you have people ready to throwdown in the streets over this we certainly have a problem.
Of course Badnarik is the perfect candidate and has no flaws