Originally Posted by filtherton
Football, i say terrell owens. Highly talented and completely full of himself. Sums up the nfl quite nicely.
I'll second this motion. The
majority of guys playing in the NFL are in the same mold. If we're looking for the "good guys" of the NFL, they primarily reside in New England. Christ, even a narcissistic dope like Corey Dillon can exude some bit of humility in New England. To answer the question, Brett Favre gets my vote.
With the execption of the 2003-04 Pistons, I also think the NBA is cesspool of egotistical ball-hogs unwilling to play with a team concept. Kobe Bryant epitomizes the modern NBA player who tries desparately to find their own Jordanistic quality and place in the media, but fail miserably. I would have loved to have seen Kobe try to play four years under Bobby Knight and see how he turns out.
Baseball seems to have better balance of headcases like Bonds, Sheff, and Milton Bradley with those who just want to win and help the team like Schilling, Alou, and Vlad. I'll give my vote to Schilling for so many reasons, including coming to Boston with the sole purpose of winning, Game 6 against the Yankees, and his charity work for ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease).
As far as hockey, they can all suck my ass.