Social Security should be eliminated all togethor. Cut the losses. In the end it puts more money in peoples pockets and into intrest earning investment funds which is better for the economy, which is better for the government. Right now Social Security is being used by the government as a piggy bank to borrow from to save their asses. Eliminating Social Security allows a free market society to play out as it should with people making their own choices and mistakes with their money. If I don't plan my retirement right and I have to work until I'm 83, thats my ass, thats the choices I've made, I've dug my whole. The hit that the goverment will take is the whole they've already dug from stealing from it for so long. The government can help deffer the cost by also allowing a free market economy to play out like it should by not bailing out the airline industry and subsidizing businesses. The debt incurred by the war on Iraq should be deffered by taxes/exports/oil/ect. from those benifiting under the new democracy.
No one except those under 16 will get a fair deal out of the elimination because they paid some in however social security has never been a fair system. Not getting rid of Social Security in the name of progress is like not getting rid of typewriters for computers cause there is already too many typewriters.
i think it's time to take a look into the past. when social secerity was inacted people were only expected to live on social security for one or two years. maybe it's time to raise the eaarliest age of retirmen to 70-73...
I agree with this as another method to deffer costs as well.
that's a quick solution... but what do you say to the people who have been paying social security since they were 15 and expect to begin receiving their benefits here soon? sorry, wait another 5-8 years?
Social Security was a broken system and a lie one should have seen through from the moment they started paying it. Think the goverment stashes your money away and doesn't touch it? Wrong, remember the whole lock box talk that went out the window? The government has been treating Social Security like an extra bonus for them forever.
I certainly am not counting on this system for my retirement. I'm going to play the capitalist game, try and earn a decent wage, put money away for a rainy day, and when my ass hits 65 I'm looking to myself for a way to stay at home, I'm not looking towards the government, I'm not looking for a handout, I'm looking to myself.