Originally Posted by Ustwo
Interesting choice of what being concerned about politics, 'anti bush/kerry'. Some of us like our candidate and are pro
I see so in 1992 when the lines were 3 hours long and I was in college, I couldn't complain about Clinton's action, or lack their of, when dead Americans were being dragged through the streets?
Ah more hating as a motivation to vote If every Democrat in Utah voted for Kerry guess who would win Utah.
You clearly spent too much time puting thought and analysis into something that didn't even remotely mean what you thought it did.
It was just an example
Most situations I personally experience are with people who are all "so and so is a dick. They suck."
me: "Are you gonna vote?"
them: "No."
me: "Then STFU."
Tis all.
It's almost NEVER "Hey, I really love so and so.. too bad the other guy is running against him."
"So you gonna vote?"