Clavus, you're in San Francisco, where craigslist is huge. I don't say list only on Craigslist -- you should do one of the others as well -- but craigslist for sale ads are free, and you might be able to hook up face to face with good buyers. The SF Bay Area has a huge book collectors community.
Many years ago, pre-Internet, I and a friend sold our large collection of vintage sci-fi paperbacks and hardcovers through a catalog (we had Heinlein first-edition hardcovers in jacket, a signed first of Bradbury's "Golden Apples of the Sun" signed in '54, ancient pulp magazines with lurid covers of dwarfs torturing people, sci-fi porn by name authors, good stuff like that). Anyway, I advertised in sci-fi magazines and also borrowed a mailing list from a local science fiction bookstore. By far, the greater amount of my sales were local. So what I'm saying is, a good local source like craigslist could do a good job for you in a bookloving community like the bay area. And they have an anonymous email forwarding service, too, if you want to maintain privacy until you're sure of the buyer. You will meet some _interesting_ people face to face (Anton LaVey came over!), and you won't get screwed. Used book people and collectors don't write bad checks. If they do, the word gets around.
The above applies mainly to the hardcovers. Paperbacks probably aren't going to be worth selling via eBay unless they're collectible or fairly high-priced. Again, for less-than-premium books something like Craiglist may be preferable, where the buyer is nearby and a bulk deal at a reasonable price can be consummated face to face, without shipping. On the otherhand, if they're good paperbacks and you like to read, I'd just turn them in for trade slips at a superior local used bookstore and feed your habit that way.