I agree with much of what the article says and much of what ARTelevision says as well. Quoting from the article:
"America is a failed experiment, not because of lack of effort, but because of a misguided application of legitimate purpose. Saving the world, when you destroy yourself, is not a model to emulate. With the repudiation of the very reason, why the American Revolution was fought, the oligarchy that rules, betrays the country; even greater, with each new outrage. The 1776 rebellion was meant to overthrow tyranny. Today the central government has perfected domestic despotism, while it exports global imperialism."
I guess the "oligarchy that rules" refers to our two major political parties. And we certainly have surrendered to them. Just read the debates here and elsewhere between Republicans and Democrats earnest in their beliefs that there are huge differences between the two. While I believe that they are very much the same, both advocating big government, big spending and big taxes. Sure the Republicans want to control our morality and the Democrats want to control our political correctness, but in the end they both want to control the hell out of us.
I guess I agree with ARTelevision that " Expression ( I take to mean freedom) has its place but it is not the be all and end all of existence and especially social existence".
But a lot depends on where you draw the line. Our government (local and national) has become extremely nit picky passing seatbelt laws. helmet laws, anti-smoking laws etc... How long till we get laws dictating the amount and types of food we can eat, how much sleep you must get etc.. Now I know that the majority of people are behind these laws and that's a shame. The majority will always whup up on the minority if they can save a buck.
I know anarchists that take the position, "I was born here and had nothing to do with the government now in power and have every right to exist without having to follow your stupid rules or pay your stupid taxes."
Now I don't think we should go that far but we are drawing the line much too far on the control side IMHO.