Originally Posted by tropple
Let's not descend into name calling. I commented on your groaning about the the police being in the wrong, not your personality.
Okay, right. Sorry about that.
Originally Posted by tropple
The best way to avoid being hurt in a mob is to be elsewhere. Sorry if you disagree. It doesn't take rocket science to see that there is going to be trouble when the police show up in riot gear, nor does it take any great genius to figure out that when the police say disperse, that it should be done soonest, especially when they're wearing riot gear.
We don't know what happened to in that kind of detail. We don't know if all the people heard them if the order to disperse was issued, and we don't know if the police were visible.
Originally Posted by tropple
It isn't worthy of Kent State outcry. You'll get your chance, just be patient.
Yes, and what was the problem with the four people killed there? Are you saying is was their own fault? no, I don't really want a response to that, as it's kinda off-topic.