Hmmmm weird thought about a massive October surprise
So I was flipping through and stopped on Fox News. First I heard them say something about people in Bush's administration starting to doubt the war.... didn't really pay attention can't nor won't comment because I didn't pay attention to what was said. I brought it up because it did catch my attention and was the reason I stopped but I had a few things to do and missed what was said.
What I did pay attention to was when they said that a massive new offensive is about to happen.
Gave me 2 questions..... maybe someone can answer.
1) Why would anyone say we are coming and attacking HERE. To me that kind of allows the enemy to prepare.... but could be mis-information, still I can't see Patton or MacARthur saying that.
2) And this maybe my paranoia and brain thinking too much (because it does)......
If we attacked with this massive offense and in the process caught OBL wouldn't that pretty much guarantee a Bush win by a landslide?
Think about it. 10 days before the election we go on a massive offensive and lo and behold as the troops start overcoming the enemy, we catch OBL.
Now that does 2 things ...
1) Bush catches OBL and looks like a great leader
2) It proves Bush right all along that Saddam and OBL were truly in cahoots.
How could anyone defeat that.... especially DAYS before the election?
Sure 2 years from now a month from now it can come out that it was a plant, but days before the election noone would have time to say anything and the military over there (except for approved press) would probably be off limits to the press.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"