Female opinion here:
I've been with both types of men, and while the state of a man's penis isn't a dealmaker or dealbreaker in the long run, I do prefer the uncircumcised penis. For me, it's more fun to play with, I like the scent, and it feels smoother (I don't know how to describe the sensation more accurately) during sex. Stroking an uncircumcised man is just a lot more interesting and enjoyable.
As for hygiene, most uncircumcised men that I've known practice very good hygiene - it's as if they are more aware of the need to keep clean - while I can say that many more uncircumcised men could use some lessons. One guy I knew would wipe or wash after each trip to the bathroom, he'd pull the skin back to make sure he was thorough. I really appreciated his thoughfulness and his desire to take care of himself. Better sex too. Giving him a blowjob was ecstasy itself, his skin made him more sensitive to touch, and the thrill was in exploring what was underneath the skin.