Originally Posted by neekap
Shameless site plug here, but I stream the "Beat Blender" station on www.somafm.com just because I find the music relaxing yet it keeps a nice beat and makes for relaxing background music while on the computer.
I am in much agreement, SomaFM rocks! (or lulls as the case may be).
Alot of the music I'm now into (Zero 7, Beanfield) I first heard on Soma.
Over here (New Zealand) we're alloed to broadcast at low power on FM guard band freqs, added with the relativelys small size of our town/cities reception over a braod area is fairly possible. The idea of broadcasting a Soma stream so I can listen to it while I'm cruis'n about as occured to me on many occasion, though i don't know how SomaFm would feel about it