On stem cell research: There are lots of other sources of stem cells that don't involve destroying embryos. They can harvest stem cells from the adult nose, and from the umbilical cord blood of newborn infants. When my daughter was born, we tried to find SOMEBODY in the private sector that wanted the stem cells from the cord blood for research, and was willing to pay for the cost of their harvesting. We were not asking to be paid, we just wanted them to pay for the harvesting expenses. NOBODY was willing to take us up on it, and the cost was less than a thousand dollars to harvest them and get them ready for research.
There are plenty of stem cells available, and they aren't terribly expensive to harvest. (commercial for-profit stem cell banking organizations charge around $2K to bank them, plus an annual storage fee) Nobody in the scientific world is willing to pay for them. So why should the government step in?