Originally Posted by TheFu
I don't think there is any kind of ban on stem cell research. It just isn't government funded. I have nothing against it but I think it is an overblown issue. Why is it suddenly an issue?
Actually it isnt ALL stem cell research
"You should also know that stem cells can be derived from sources other than embryos -- from adult cells, from umbilical cords that are discarded after babies are born, from human placenta.**"
Its embyronic stem cell research that is catching flak from religious groups. Killing embyros that are days-old.
Bush has goverment funding for EXISTING stem cell lines - there are about 60 IIRC.
Bush does fund research for existing lines.
People, imho make this too much of a big deal- they act like if only Bush allowed it we could cure diseases within a decade or so. I think it would be more a valid point, if we had exausted research on these existing lines, of which we have not.
Bush is the first president to allow any funding for this type of research btw.