Originally Posted by dlishsguy
dunno if you guys this is a bit out in far left field, but here goes,
ive had mine for 16 years..worst ones i get at the back of my eyeball like someone is sticking a pin in it. tried painkillers, but they only work if you take them before it gets full blown.. for the last year or so, ive realised that the weather has a lot to do with my migraines, usually autumn, spring and summer.. so i thought it might be sinus related because of pollens in the air etc...
anyways, cutting a long story short, i realised that the anti bacterial effects of salt (yes your standard cooking/table salt) with luke warm water gargled down your throat, as well as snorted up each nostril clears up my sinus as well as takes away a most of my pain (although not all..90%)...yes it does sting and u feel like crap for a full minute or so, but beats feeling crap for a few hours or days. anyone tried this before? or am i the only one?
let me know what you guys think
Never tried this but extra strong wasabi seems to help me.
I don't get the mind blasting migranes anymore, but for the little ones I always get its nice to know some sushi will help