Originally Posted by Kalibah
but what does he say resonate with you? not to get into a fight but the whole " End war, Vote Peace" seems a little simplistic as far as the war on terror is concerned. Many republicans have doubts if john kerry could handle the war on terror- as many dems have doubts of how the pres has done thus far, but Mr. Nader doesnt even have a War on Terorism plan under " Issues" just a preaching Iraq War and Occupatiion page talking about how we should withdraw from Iraq.
If someone could explain in more depth his views on the warr on terror, then Id be in a better position to understand his political agenda. It seems thus far he is- right or wrong, a peacenik. I dont think terrorists will love us even if we do elect Ralph Nader, and thats all, thus far I can find on his position on this issue is " End war, Vote Peace"
Everything he says resonates with me: the power that unelected private tyrannies (corporations) have over our daily lives, his stance on electoral reform, military spending, and the environment.
He probably doesn't have a 'War on Terror' plan because
it's a myth created as a convenient excuse to repress the population and divert people's attention away from the issues that really matter. Terror is just a tactic. You can't win a 'war' against a tactic. If you want to stop people from committing terror you have to address their
legitimate grievances (i.e. support for repressive dictatorships, unquestioning support for Israel, and the war in Iraq). You must to take away their reasons for existing and turn them into petty criminals in the eyes of their passive supporters.