Originally Posted by maleficent
Thankee. All I have to say on the issue of female circumcision, or "genital mutilation" as the critics call it, is that if we're going to allow it for one sex, it should be allowed for the other. I personally am against both forms, as it is almost always done without the consent of the individual being circumcised. I've never had much experience with female circumcision, but I can tell you that male circumcision, 99/100 times, is an archaic practice held over from when genital infections due to bad hygene were commonplace, whereas they are much rarer now.
Missy, from what I understand, circumcised men outnumber uncircumcised in the US at a ratio somewhere between 2/3-1/3 and 3/4-1/4. In Canada and the majority of European countries, it's the reverse.