Today I finally learnt how to upload things to my website without begging other people to help me.
I bought a tablet a couple of months ago, and these were some drawings I did to get used to it. They're both done using photoshop, drawing with a tablet from a photo. The first has a scan of canvas as an overlay layer to give it some texture, the second a scan of fabric as a color burn layer.
The lovely Samaire Armstrong
The lovely Katie Underwood
There's some things I like about drawing with a tablet (alt+ctrl+z...) but generally I prefer drawing/painting in "real life". I miss the random element of colour you have with real paint - everything I do with a tablet is exactly the colour I choose, so the picture ends up lacking a bit of life.
Most the work I do is a mix of painting/found objects/photography, blended together in photoshop, so I wanted to get a tablet to try and make the "photoshopping" part more artistic.