New media coverage on this story today.....
......Returning to the TR sale, Bush earned an additional 10 percent of the team by his "added value" of political clout. It once again smacks of conflict of interest. According to IRS Revenue Procedure 93-27, "The receipt of partnership capital interest for service provided to or for the benefit of the partnership is taxable as compensation." As a result of filing the Ranger $12 million as long-term capital gains, Bush screwed the U.S. government out of at least $2.4 million in taxes. Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks. I don't care if we never get back, etc. So stay tuned as the song and saga play out. And let's see if the American people get just who the creep is sitting in the White House. His very presence stains it, every which way. Let's hope on November 3, he gets the rousing, "Yerrr Out!" he so richly deserves—for this and all his other strikeouts worldwide. <a href=""></a>