In college (many years ago) I lived with 4 other guys in a house we rented near the campus. It soon became clear that the guy I was least familiar with was not going to work out (we'll call him Brian, because that's his name). He always left a mess, never cleaned up, the usual stuff.
The clincher came one night when 3 of us brought home some ladies from the bar. So we are sitting there in the living room watching SNL and drinking beers when Brian comes out of his room and into the bathroom. After a while he came out and went back to his room. Not too long after that one of the ladies has to use our bathroom. As soon as she went in she comes running back out gagging and choking. Turns out Brian had laid down some of the world's largest cable and neglected to flush. The part that really made us cringe, however, was the absence of any evedence that he used toilet paper.
Did I mention he was a theater major?