Thread: Ultimate God?
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Old 10-21-2004, 10:04 AM   #7 (permalink)
I have the same questions you do about the Abrahamic religions on this one. OK, even assuming that I have free will, and any wrongs I do are my fault and not God's, this doesn't make sense. What kind of God gives free will to beings capable of torture, sadism, etc.? Parents create and love their children, but they don't give their children cigarette lighters and car keys before they're clearly old enough to handle it WITH DIRECT SUPERVISION - the first few times, anyway. I hate to invoke the authority of the Nuremberg Tribunal, or even Spider-Man, on this one, but I do believe that with power comes responsibility, and, following that logically, any all-powerful being has ultimate responsibility, and is responsible for everything his creations do. If he doesn't accept that, then he's an unjust God. And if he's not all-powerful, he doesn't meet their definition of their God. Like you, I can't find a single one of them who can explain this to my satisfaction. They may be content with "Well, it's a mystery", but I'm not. I'm stubborn, and curious, and I guess if their God is real, then my nature is his fault, too, so they shouldn't blame me for giving them grief over it


Gimme That Old Time Religion - PAGAN FOR LIFE!!
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