Thread: Hunt the Boeing
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Old 10-21-2004, 09:44 AM   #161 (permalink)
Rail Baron
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Location: Tallyfla
IF the govt shot down flight 77 because it was hijacked and heading to the whitehouse or pentagon or what have you there would be no reason to cover it up. All the govt would have to say is, "Two hijacked planes crashed into the WTC, see. We had to shoot this one down to save the lives of people on the ground."

If they did shoot it down, thats all they would have to say and the American public would wholly understand. At least I would. There would be no reason for a cover up.

As for the rest of this thread, Do you remember the pictures of the Penn crash site? A black whole in the ground. I don't remember seeing any wreckage. The plane desintegrated on impact. Like opacfan said, the only dense part of a plane is the engines, the rest is nothing more than an aluminum tube and some apulstry. Aluminum melts at relatively low temperatures. I've melted aluminum tubes in fires in my back yard. I doesn't have to be that hot. Around 700 degrees I think.

BUT, to entertain this theory...I could think the only reason the govt would have covered up the pentagon crash is because a terrorist or terrorists had infultrated our military and it was a terrorist agent that attacked the pentagon with a military jet or missle. At the same time the Govt had to shoot down flight 77 because it was hijacked. Then the safest thing for the govt to do would be to say flight 77 crashed into the pentagon to save the fear that would be caused when the public finds out that our military had been infultrated. But I don't belive this. I still think it was a 757 that crashed into the pentagon. I saw the pictures and it looked like a plane crash to me.
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