Spoiler: Locke is the only guy who feels positive about the island. He's the only guy to have seen the beast and not gotten killed by it. I'm thinking there is going to be a theme based around "You were lost (lacking direction or 'traction' in life) when found (society), but are found (happy) when lost (clear of society)." That's how it is playing out in my head. Also, as for Locke. I think he is the key to setting off the story, that when his prime function is fulfilled it will be like turning on a another layer to the story. I'm thinking that it is the entire point of his character, for now anyway, as his previous self seems like a vamped up Milton waiting to haul ass which is inherently funny and seems like a joke origin made even funnier by the irony of having a lame background for a pivotal/bad ass island goer.
Originally Posted by Averett
was the body in there?
Spoiler: Nope, hence the energetic bashing.
Last edited by Xell101; 10-21-2004 at 08:26 AM..