The answer to Life, the Universe and Everything is 42.
As for Phi... well, there's a problem with the randomness of the "divine ratio". Let's take, for instance, the number 2.
Most animals have 2 eyes, 2 ears and two nostrils. Bipedal creatures each have 2 arms and 2 legs. Most male mammals have two testes. Birds have two wings, many fish have two gills. Humans are born with two lungs.
If I take a pie, and slice it in half, there are 2 pieces. If I slice it in half the other way, each of the 2 original pieces now have 2 pieces.
Reproduction requires male and female counterparts... two creatures in all (in most cases, of course).
2 is the "number of opposites". Night and Day, Good and Evil, Tall and Short, Wise and Ignorant, Wide and Narrow, White and Black, Here and There.
Stereo requires exactly 2 sounds sources. And since stereo sounds better than mono, perhaps 2 is the "audiophile number" as well.
I'm sure I could go on for a great length. Phi is just haphazard luck in most mathemeticians books.