I do know when I make mistakes. I know that I have hurt my husband but your're right its wrong I know that. I also know that its wrong for him to hit me back. But I have tried talking to him about it. I know that little things bug me and I can feel them starting to bug me so I speak up about it. I try telling him about the things that bother me so maybe he can try to stop too. Int the middle of a fight I realize that I was wrong and I suggest that we go to different rooms to calm down so that we can talk with out the other hurtful things. As a child when I had problems with my mom I tried talking to adults about it that I knew I could trust. But none of them believed that my mother would ever do such a thing. Maybe that is why I havn't really tried talking to someone about it. But the way I see it is that I started here. I am not ready lose my husband or to give up trying to solve my problem. And I know that there is no such thing as being happy all of the time. But I can be a lot happier if I can have an argument with my husband where neither of us hits eachother.