Enzeru waited till the jug was being held loosely in Draconis' hand before he grabbed it. Taking the bottle in both hand and lifting it up to his nose, Enzeru breathed deeply.
Doesn't seem THAT strong
Enzeru next lifted the jug to his lips and took a long swig. As soon as the jugs contents hit his lips, he knew that his previous thoughts were wrong.
"Gyyaaahhhh!" Enzeru yelled, rearing back his head and sending the jug flying from his hands in an attempt to get the hell water away from his mouth.
Draconis caught the bottle with ease before it hit the ground and placed it back behind his cape, all the while watching as Enzeru ran around in circles fanning his mouth yelling "HOT HOT HOT HOT!"
Enzeru glanced frantically around at his fellow party members looking for something that could put a stop to the inferno that had started in his mouth. Finally, Enzeru saw a canteen at Petra's hip and dove for it, falling to his knees and pulling the fair scout to a halt.
The gunman downed the water in one gulp and threw his head back in relief, letting out an expasperated sigh. It was then that he realized the party had come to a stop and were staring dumbfounded at the little man sitting on his knees at the scouts side. It was then that Enzeru also realized he hadn't removed his other hand from Petra's belt, which rode low on her hips, and the scout was looking down at him with a muderous rage in her eyes.
Enzeru jumped back about ten feet , landing hard on his ass. As he lay there, wiith a drunken smile on his face and a glaze over his ice-blue eyes, he spoke "Sorry about that everyone....I guess it's been a whiile since I drank.....sorry Petra."
Enzeru stumbled his way back up to his feet and looked back at his party members, running his hand through his hair and laughing lightly as he was accustomed to when he was caught in an akward moment. "What say we continue on?"