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Old 10-20-2004, 03:16 PM   #99 (permalink)
Actually, a kid did lick his own elbow. Here is the story from the Washington Post:

"Jack Burtis disproved a Snapple fact by licking his elbow."

Every morning, George Clancy, principal of St. James Middle School in Johnson City, N.Y., starts the school day by making announcements on the public address system, then reading an inspirational quote and a Snapple Real Fact. One day last spring, the Snapple fact read:

"It is impossible for humans to lick their own elbows."

Within seconds, virtually every one of the school's 175 students -- and several teachers -- were attempting to lick their elbows. None of them could do it -- except Jack Burtis.

Jack -- then a 10-year-old fourth-grader with supple arms and a long tongue -- effortlessly licked his elbow. He showed his teacher, who immediately sent him down to the principal's office. He showed Clancy, who heralded the lad's achievement by calling the local newspaper and writing to Snapple.

The newspaper, the Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin, put a picture of Jack on the front page. The folks at Snapple called Clancy and asked if they could send the "Snapple Lady" to the school.

"I said, 'She's not like a Hooters lady, is she? This is a Catholic school,' " Clancy recalls.

Actually, the Snapple lady is Wendy Kaufman, a peppy, portly, middle-aged Everywoman who appeared in Snapple ads. When she came to St. James, two local TV stations sent news crews to record the historic event.

"Are you ready?" Kaufman asked Jack.

He was ready.

"Go, Jack!" she commanded.

He stuck out his left arm, twisted it so the elbow faced up, leaned forward and licked his elbow. The crowd went wild.

"Oh, my God!" the Snapple Lady screamed. "Oh, my God! He did it!"

She gave him a Snapple backpack and three cases of Snapple.

"Jack's gaining celebrity status because of his unique talent," reporter Justin Pizzi informed the WBNG-TV Action News audience.

Contacted later by The Washington Post, Jack reflected philosophically on his multimedia celebrity.

"It's cool," he said, coolly.

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