I've noticed allot of the games I play recently revolve around one powerful motivation: the drive to gain status/power. I've recently noticed that this motivation is present in many mediums.
The massively multiplayer rpgs and games like dungeons and dragons exaggerate the motivation to an almost scary level, but other games like shooters ( e.g. getting new guns/powerups) and the Sims employ the same tactic to hook players.
So here I am on tilted forum project, a noobie, and I find my self in a familiar position; trying to gain that next 'level' in the tilted hierarchy
Now that I think about it, most membership based sites with a loyal user base employ this tested strategy on some level. Even fark.com with its unassuming format, lists various prestige statistics like links approved and total fark status.
Anywho, there is no real point to this whole diatribe except to point out an interesting instinct people seem to share: people like to work towards a goal with definite benefits. And that instinct can and is stimulated through many of the mediums we amuse ourselves with these days….
Eventually I wan't to write an essay on this topic, kudos to anyone who bore with me