Originally Posted by powerclown
Precisely what freedoms are you being denied living in America?!?
You mentioned earlier in this thread that you are Arab-American, and that you've been hassled a bit at airports. In this post-911 time, don't you think it reasonable and justifiable to expect such scrutiny? Look what just happened to Cat Stevens, and he's a rich and famous rockstar. I myself would expect such treatment if I was an Arab-American. I wouldn't like it, but I would expect it and understand the reason for it. I understand it might be an undignified and embarrassing situation, but its a few questions and you're on your way.
No I dont expect such treatment in a "free" society. No one should. Should African Americans living in poverty not allowed to be up in arms about their dire situation because, hey, at least they aren't slaves anymore? Should women accept lower pay, because, hey, at least they are getting hired for similar opportunities. It's a known statistic, unfortunately, that more African Americans are involved, or at least jailed, for crimes proportionally to Caucasians, so should they accept racial profiling? I disagree with that logic.
You mention denial of freedom. Freedom is not the Patriot Act, freedom is not Guantanamo Bay, freedom is not attacking countries on false pretenses under the veil of freedom and getting away with it, freedom is not damning someone for being of a certain race, religion or creed, regardless of the situation...
"At least we aren't as corrupt as Russia." i dont buy it. This country is sliding in the wrong direction and while I understand your points, don't buy it when we proclaim that we are "the land of the free"
As is written in the lyrics of "Grievance" by Pearl Jam
"Break the innocent when they're proud.
Raise the stakes then bring 'em down.
If we fail to obey...if we fail to obey."
Civil Disobedience is seen as anti-American, discourse is anti-American. Liberal thinking is anti-American, Democrats are labeled Communists or Socialists. Nice words that spark emotion with the general public. This is the type of thinking being displayed more and more everyday. "Groupthink." Bush states he wants Justices on the Supreme Court who agree with him. "Groupthink". As "Groupthink" continues to pervade our society, our freedoms will lessen and that is what I believe to be occuring right under our noses.
I think ultimately you see the same thing but like to believe it isnt too bad b/c relatively we are still pretty good, but I don't care about the other countries policies. If we are to claim to be a truly sovereign nation than we must make every attempt to live up to that statement.