use PHP if you want to work in the *nix world and learn asp/ if you want to work in the M$ world (where the majority of businesses hire) one day. That might sound biased, but I don't mean it as such. It's just pragmatic. As a web developer who depends on these skills for a paycheck, I will learn whichever seems to be most popular and most likely to get me a job. Right now, that is the Asp.Net skill set.
As far as wanting to know which one is "better"...... pshhht. That's like asking "Mac or PC?" , "Coke or Pepsi?". The point is that both get the job done and it often comes down to personal preference. That's what really matters.
The key is that if you want to run a linux server and have a good scripted web site, php is probably your best bet. If you are running IIS then I'd keep at the asp/ products if you can do so.
I think that's what they mean by "nickels a day can feed a child." I thought, "How could food be so cheap over there?" It's not, they just eat nickels. - (supposedly) Peter Nguyen, internet hero