I had mine done about four or five years ago. Very glad I had it done. Not much pain and I feel much more relaxed during sex. The freakist part of the entire experience was during the procedure, though. You're given a local anesthetic (like novacane) and, while it kills the pain of the part they are working on, you can feel the effects in other parts of you body. They have to tug on the van defferance (sp?) a bit to get it out so they can work on it, and you can't feel it were they are tugging, but you can feel it being tugged up inside you. That freaked me out. I'm normally a very quit guy, but I think I said quite loudly, "Little more anesthetic, Doc! I felt that". It's funny now. Plus, it gives me a story to tell at the bars.
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.
-Frank Sinatra