Originally Posted by powerclown
Well, Tralls, I think we've solved the mystery of this thread. As an Arab American, you are indeed under closer scrutiny these days. It is both unfortunate as well as understandable, after the occurence of 9/11 - which was perpetrated by radical fundamentalist arabs, who are to ordinary arabs what the nazis were to ordinary germans. One way to look at it would be that such scrutiny has become imperative, as a matter of national security and for the protection of the American people, whatever nationality they may be. This is the price to be paid for such an open society as America. For reference, you might contrast America's reaction to terrorism with Russia's, where Putin has effectively consolidated every aspect of the country's autonomy under his authority.
Again you look at this on a comparative basis. I think the exact opposite. The price to be paid for being such an open society is that we will be vulnerable to random attacks of violence. the only way to fully stop it is to become a police state. I will take the side of freedom. Freedom is not comparable, it is an absolute. You can't compare our freedom to another country. You are either free or not. Speaking of consolidation, do you not see this occuring more and more everyday. How many different companies run the media we read? Not many. The consolidation occuring here is much more hidden and effective, because the masses do not realize till it is too late.