I must be lucky or just always at the right place at the right time. I think ever since I was 12 (I am 28 now), I have had good luck with small peep shows heh. But this ONE is most recent and I kinda initiated it.
Well, I live in a townhouse now, with a variety of age groups in my complex. The neighbor that live caddy-corner to me is a single mother late 20's. I went out for a smoke one night walking around my building. I came to the back of her unit where the bedroom is (all of these are 1 floor townhouses). I knew she was in the bathroom because the other side of the building had the bathroom light on, and it connected to the room...so when passing her window (with mini-blinds), I could kind of see and outline of a person moving.
Being curious I decided to just take a FAST look closer to the window in the little holes in the blinds that the string gos through. So I lean up against the window and WOW! She had got out of the shower, and already put her panties on, but was unfolding a shirt with really nice ta-ta's just hanging out. I freaked...heart beat racing, and window fogging up because of my breath. I quickly walked away because I was scared...but damn it was nice. Later on in the months she got pregnant, but still looking good.
I was walking around a night again with a smoke when she came home late. Again..being curious I looked in the window again (blinds were semi-open) and saw the full strip as she got ready to shower. Pregnant, but still nice.
Heh..I never "look" through windows like that, and probably never will again. She moved but still a nice memory.