Upon reading this thread, I get this picture of an Arnold soundbite, "I am going to terminate this revolution!" He is a great actor, on screen and in office...
Okay a revolution. Where would the line in the sand lie? I would guess that there would be those who support the loss of more freedoms in exchange for relative safety, and those who think that too many freedoms have been lost and are feeling like they have lost the power to change our contry through legal methods. One can assume that the government will back the first group, and many militant groups would back the latter.
What would spark the revloution? I would guess more Waco-like incodents. Situations where the government trounces on rights and takes no prisoners. I'm interested to see what happends as more people find out about 9/11, as this may be one such spark. We will see the already wide ravine between this group grow and grow.
Who will fire the first shot? Actually the first shot happened a long time ago. I don't know exactly when it happened, but I think it was before Nixon. The real question is when and how will it escalate? I think it will escalate gradually, as it ahs been. Information will come to light about the Murrah Building and the 9/11 attacks. It's already there, but most people don't know about it. I'm guessing that things like that will continue happening. The escilation will come after there are another few Wacos.
What will the war be like? Well it will be like terrorist vs. empire at first. Think StarWars. The large military group will be trying to destroy all opposition in the rebelion, as it's own citizens fear grows. Bombings of military, political, and media locations will be heard on the news (chich will of course be controlled by the milirtary, which is controlled by the empire).
Who will win? Can't say, but I'll bet an outside force will have something to do with it. I'll bet an outside group will assist the American rebelion in some way. That is unless the rest of the globe is in trouble. It's possible that an American civil war at this point would radically shift the power in the world. China might make a play for controling all of southeast asia. Russia might finally nuke all of the 'terrrorist states' that have been bothering them for years. It's really a scary world. Of course it's all speculation.
Bottom line, it would be better to try and fix it from the inside. Consumers unions should be formed in order to finally take control from big buisness. It all comes down to leadership. We need to start producing trustworthy leaders in America, before we are sufficated by corruption and self interest. We need to fight voter apathy, and start to control the media, or go around it using grass roots media. Free Speech TV is a good source of information for people (channel 9415 on Dish Network, I'm not sure on DirecTV). A revolution would be to drastic, and would claim far too many lives. Who would lose theri lives? The lower and lower middle class. We have enough of that already.
Of course, that's all IMO.