Originally Posted by Ripsaw
Any Ultima after 6.
Blasphemy, Ultima 7 kicks every other Ultima's ass. Ultima 8/9/Underworld are terrible, or so I've heard, but
definitely NOT 7.
Bad Games:
Cybernoid, NES. <-- Probably a very obscure game no one ever heard of, but it's the one crappy NES game
my Dad ever bought on a whim.
Super Conflict, SNES <-- Basically a strategy military board game with Hex Map and all converted to video game.
Final Fantasy 2, NES <-- Japanese version, not the one with Kain/Rosa/Galuf, etc... After Final Fantasy 1,
they basically keep the same character set, same menus, same battle system, and crap it up big time.
In every Final Fantasy game, you can always tell when you're going to move into a part of the map with
harder enemies (which aren't all that much tougher,) well, not on FF2, and the guys are tough as ass when
you go into another area on the world map. Although, I am going to get the ROM again and see if it gets