you want revolution, you need to mobilize people. for what you're talking about, you need congress to get flooded with requests to remove the outdated electoral college system, replace our silly all-or-nothing election system with something more sensible like
instant runoff voting so a vote for a third party isn't a vote to benefit or deter a major-party candidate, and finally, creating a national standardzed voting procedure, something simple, effective, and most importantly, something secure and accountable.
at this point, people don't have the representation that they deserve... our congress has become less than a body of men who represent the respective interests of their constituents. if people write, call, email, and visit their congressmen, and remind those fuckers that they represent us, it will make all the difference in the world. this needs to be a nationwide effort... the people must be represented.
as for our elections system, it is one that encourages one of two people... it almost pushes away anyone/anything outside of that very narrowly defined track, and that is a crying shame for the american people, whose diverse interests and ideals number more than just two representatives. without a system that allows different viewpoints to be equally represented without creating a situation where "voting outside the box" does very little but create frustration, the people will never truly be represented. with instant runoff voting, you will see a voting system that, over time, will create an opputunity for third-party candidates to be taken seriously and have the issues they represent taken seriously. until then, the idea of a third-party representative of the people on a federal level is almost a joke.
finally, we have a crisis of epic proportions in regards to our fractured and broken voting system... thousands of counties, all with their own system of voting... some with absolutely no accountability and questionable ethics. until we create a standardized, accountable, and most importantly, secure national voting procedure, we're gonna continue seeing fiascos like we did during the 2000 elections.
we have a long way to go... the only way to revolutionize the system is for people to take their rightful place in the system and remind our elected officials that they represent us, not special interests and partisan nonsense.